vendredi 2 août 2013

What is Holistic Fitness?

What is Holistic Fitness?

Do your good intentions to take better care of yourself keep getting pushed to the bottom of your 'to do' list? Does your low energy level keep you from doing the things that are really important to you? Has an unexpected health issue caused you to make taking care of yourself a priority? Holistic fitness is about achieving and maintaining a balanced lifestyle; one which addresses the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental components of fitness. The practice of mindfulness helps us to know which aspect of our health and fitness we need to address.
Physical Fitness is about identifying what type of physical activity/movement you enjoy and then creating a realistic plan to weave this into daily life. We will explore what your ideal eating style is and how in conjunction with exercise, this can increase your energy level, improve your mood, and help you sleep more soundly.
Intellectual Fitness has to do with being aware of how external and internal influences affect your state of mind. Through mindfulness meditation, you will learn how to observe thoughts without judgment, enabling you to live with greater present moment awareness, respond rather than react, and reduce stress.
Emotional Fitness is about developing the skill to tune into whatever feelings are present in a particular moment in a non-judgmental way. This heightened level of awareness will help you to become more emotionally articulate, improving your relationships at home and at work.
Social Fitness has to do with surrounding yourself as often as possible with people who bring out the best in you, those who leave you feeling energized rather than depleted. In addition, choosing activities which reflect what you value most will have a positive affect on your health.
Spiritual Fitness is about experiencing a sense of aliveness as well as a sense of belonging. Designing a life which is aligned with what you care about most and which gives you a sense of meaning and purpose will increase your vitality and enthusiasm.
Environmental Fitness has to do with creating harmony within yourself as well your surroundings at home and at work. This may involve improving your level of organization, using products that are friendly to the body and to the planet, or surrounding yourself with items that bring peace and happiness.
Moving towards balance among the aforementioned components needs to be done with gentleness, realizing that while you are exploring and improving in one area, another one may be temporarily neglected. This is a natural part of change. It will take time to integrate what you are learning and for your skillfulness to become your Way. Be patient, celebrate your intention, and appreciate what you have accomplished as you are moving along your path to health and well-being.
Cheryl L. Jones is a former celebrity fitness trainer and certified wellness coach. She holds a Master's degree in Exercise Science from the University of Connecticut and a Certificate in Spirituality from Saint Joseph College. She has completed extensive training in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Sign up for her monthly newsletter at and receive a free sitting meditation download. Become a Fan of The Mindful Path at

Fitness Tips: How to Gain Flexibility Fast

Fitness Tips: How to Gain Flexibility Fast

Why would you want to have a flexible body? Well, for starters, stretching regularly decreases your risk of injury. Your posture and your muscular balance improve. And it also reduces the chance of low back pain. Of course, there are many more reasons. The important thing to remember is that flexibility training is a fundamental part of any fitness program of value.
Anyone can stretch
It doesn't matter how old you are, or what is your current flexibility level. Unless you have a major injury that doesn't allow you to move, you can practice most stretching routines in a very safe way.
If you want to gain flexibility fast you have to...
#1. - Stretch regularly
You have to stretch constantly to improve your flexibility. If you stretch for 20 to 30 minutes every day you will be able to witness fast results.
#2. - You should not feel pain
You will not become a human rubber band overnight; take baby steps. If you feel pain while stretching, then you have gone too far. It is also important to remember, you need to warm up to avoid injuries.
#3. - Relax
One of the many benefits of gaining flexibility is that you will learn to relax your body with ease. When you are stretching your body you have to breathe and relax. Remember, a tense body is not a bendable body.
#4. - Contract and relax
Contract all your muscles as hard as you can for 20 seconds and then let go. Repeat this exercise several times. The first thing you will notice after performing this workout is that your body will be very relaxed. The second benefit is that you will increase your flexibility a little bit after every session.
If you don't see results
Gaining flexibility is very easy, the only thing you need to do is to stretch regularly. If you don't notice any improvement after two or three weeks then you are not stretching frequently enough, or your stretching sessions are not long enough.
Try Yoga
Yoga is one of the best ways to learn to stretch your muscles efficiently. There is literally one yoga position for every part of your body you want to focus on. Many yoga postures are very easy to learn, you can read a book or search the web to understand them. But if you really want to boost your results you need to find a teacher.

Workout And Fitness Tips For Your Type 2 Diabetics

Workout And Fitness Tips For Your Type 2 Diabetics

There is no denying the fact that diabetics can benefit greatly from regular exercise. However, making physical activity a routine part of life is tough for many. It may be that you have gone years without having exercised, or are afflicted by conditions directly related to diabetes that tend to hinder your ability to move. The following article offers great advice if you are a diabetic looking to get moving.
Though getting into better physical shape is sure to be great for your diabetes, you should not jump headlong into vigorous exercise right off the bat. Taking things slowly is the safe, advisable way to start incorporating more activity into your life. Discuss possible regimens with your physician and make sure to get official clearance before you begin. That way, you can start working towards the benefits of increased exercise without risking injury.
You do not need to run weekly marathons in order to reap the benefits of regular exercise. As a diabetic, you should focus on keeping workout sessions relatively short. It really is possible to perform focused, targeted routines that yield marked results but do not require substantial amounts of time. Do a bit of independent research, and you are sure to come away with a wide range of potential workouts.
Even if you do not begin a formal, regimented workout program right away, it is possible to start adding extra movements into your daily life, as long as you make a conscious effort to do so. For example, bypass the elevators and escalators at your office building or at the mall. Take the stairs instead. If possible, walk to area shops, the post office or any other location to which you would typically drive a car. It may not seem like much, but the cumulative effect of such adjustments on your diabetes may just surprise you.
Even if your new emphasis on physical activity as part of your diabetes management plan is going smoothly, it is important to always keep your physician in the loop with what you are doing. Honest communication with your doctor is essential if you are to stay injury-free and engage in safe, beneficial routines over the long-term. Keeping your doctor in the dark is a dangerous recipe for potential harm.
Finally, as you embark on your new exercise plan and continue along the path to better fitness, take the time to maintain a running record of the sorts of workouts you do. As your diabetes begins to show noticeable improvements, you will be able to make connections between the type and volume of exercise undertaken and the positive impact you feel. While it does take a bit of time and effort to keep such a log, the insights it can provide make it more than worthwhile.
Starting an exercise routine of your own need not be an uphill battle. Apply the guidance found above, and you will be able to launch a program that will provide noticeable help in terms of keeping your diabetes under control.

Tips For Basic Mens Fitness

Tips For Basic Mens Fitness

I have been writing about different areas of mens fitness and fitness nutrition, but what about the basics of fitness. The core so to speak and why us men want to be fit. Fitness is for all ages. It doesn't matter how young or old you may be. It is never too late to start.
Men are the breadwinners of the family usually. If a man is fit, he has way more energy for his work and for his family life. You feel better, look better, and are happier. I feel every man should strive to achieve some level of fitness. You don't have to train like an Olympian, but overall fitness, to me, is a must. I am sure the ladies agree.
The first part of a fitness routine and the most basic is Flexibility. Stretches before and after a workout will keep you flexible and away from injury. The second aspect of mens fitness is a good cardio workout. Cardio gets the blood pumping, increases your lung capacity and their ability to distribute oxygen to your blood. This gives you almost unlimited resources of energy for anything that comes up in your daily life. The blood flow also keeps your brain oxygenated Which improves its overall capacity for handling anything that comes its way. The third is building muscle and strength training. Now these are definitely optional. Some men do not want to be "musclebound". There is nothing wrong with keeping the muscles toned and fit though.
By far, in my opinion, is the cardio workouts. Aerobics if that is all the time you have. By focusing on cardio more, it keeps the arteries and veins open, keeps cholesterol low, and keeps the heart fit and strong. The heart is just a muscle after all and needs it's workouts. Cardio will keep you young and full of energy. Stretching for flexibility and cardio is truly all you would need.
If you want to build muscle then, by all means, do it. If you are going to weight train, follow some simple rules. Know how to do your exercises properly, stretch properly before exercising, and possibly have a workout buddy/spotter for your lifting. Always be safe. 
To build muscle properly is where the proper nutrition comes in like I covered in a previous article. You need to get a well balanced diet, take vitamin and mineral supplements, get your fair share of protein(around 1 gram for every pound you weigh), drink plenty of water, and don't push yourself too hard or overtrain. The best foods to eat are raw foods(vegetables) in a wide variety, chicken, turkey, and fish. Red meat if it is lean and not fatty.
There you have it. Some basics of mens fitness workouts and nutrition. Some of these are obvious and others aren't. When we write about fitness, we tend to think everybody is already a semi expert and that isn't always the case.
Until next time...
Thanks For Reading
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Thanks For Reading,

What to Look For in Health and Fitness Centers

What to Look For in Health and Fitness Centers

Many people are looking to health and fitness centers for their work-outs. Unfortunately, some fail to match their needs to what the health and fitness centers are offering. They quickly become discouraged and abandon their memberships. Here are some tips on choosing health and fitness centers.
Visit the health and fitness centers you are considering at the time of day you will be going to work out. Look to see if they are overcrowded, with long waits for machines and other amenities. Check the members present to make sure you will fit in comfortably; some women prefer to not work out with a lot of male members present and vice versa.
Most centers are subject to inspection by the local board of health. Violations are to be posted in a conspicuous place, so see if you notice any and determine why they were issued. Bacteria in the sauna or hot tub, improper food handling at the snack bar, or failure to disinfect machines are the type of violations that might be justification to check out other health and fitness centers.
Do your own visual inspection of the cleanliness of any health and fitness centers you are considering. Inspect the showers to see if they look and smell clean. Notice whether machines are being wiped down between use, or if the equipment to do so is kept handy so members can clean them if they desire. Make sure that trash is in the can where it belongs and not left scattered throughout the premises.
Check the security arrangements in the parking lots and actual facility for all centers you visit. Parking lots should be well lit and patrolled or at least monitored by cameras. You should be able to park close to the door, as well. Some health and fitness centers will provide an escort to your car if you request one. Also, someone should be on duty at a front desk or near the door to screen people as they enter, making sure they are members or there on legitimate business. You should be able to secure your personal belongings in a locked receptacle, either a basket or a locker.
If you are uncertain about working out somewhere other than home, see if the health and fitness centers you are considering offer trial memberships. This allows you to visit during the hours you need to work out and sample all the amenities before committing to a one or two year membership. If you find it is not for you, you have lost little money and can continue to review other health and fitness centers until you find the one you want.
There are many different types of centers, so whether you want to watch television while you are on the treadmill or visit a juice bar afterwards, there is one to suit your preferences. There is no single center which is best for everyone, so take your time, visit several health centers, and select the one that best suits your needs.
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Spa Treatments For Pregnant Women - Safety Tips to Follow

Spa Treatments For Pregnant Women - Safety Tips to Follow

For some women, being pregnant is a breeze paired with compliments about the fullness of being a woman and a growing bump in the belly. For other pregnant women, it is much harder. However, whichever camp you belong to, every pregnant woman simply deserves to pampering and special care.
Many modern-day spas have added spa services related to pregnancy, such as the pregnancy massage. These services are intended to improve the overall well-being of a pregnant woman; however, before you get too excited and jump right into your pregnancy spa adventure, here are some things you need to know when planning to undergo pregnancy spa treatment.
1. How to Choose the Right Spa
The services in spas often involve techniques and products that, when properly done, will certainly relax the pregnant woman. However, if they are improperly and incorrectly done, or done with the wrong products, the treatment could be unsafe not only to the mom but also to the baby. To choose the right spa for pregnancy spa treatments, you should look for a spa licensed to perform pregnancy-related spa services.
2. How to Choose the Right Spa Treatments for Pregnant Women
You might be disappointed when the spa services you want may not all be available for you. Remember, your condition is special. Nevertheless, there are still services available for you such as pregnancy massage which is great for relieving the overtaxed bones and muscles. 
You may also get a relaxing facial, especially that the skin changes significantly during the different stages of pregnancy. However, it is still advisable that you ask your spa therapist to know which services you can or cannot have.
3. What to Avoid
During pregnancy, hot tubs and other spa services that can raise your body temperature, such as wraps and sauna are off limits for pregnant women. You should also be careful about the oils used in your spa treatments because some may not be safe for pregnant women. However, you should not be afraid to use some essential oils as they can be great for alleviating the different side effects of pregnancy. Just be careful on your reactions especially that pregnant women develop the hypersensitivity to smell. If something seems unpleasant, be sure to ask your spa attendant or spa therapist.
4. Make the most of the time!
Don't just consider a spa treatment for pregnant woman a run in and out experience. Take your time, relax and enjoy the services the spa offers. After the treatment, drink a cup of detoxifying hot tea. Slow down and relax because it is one of the best gifts you can ever give yourself and your baby.
Remember, spa treatments help you enhance and pay closer attention to your body and how you feel, so use that special time at the spa to concentrate on how you could be healthier and more beautiful at this special stage in your life.
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samedi 27 juillet 2013

Health and Fitness: Mood Disorders Article Category

Health and Fitness: Mood Disorders Article Category

Ask Your Doctor If This Medicine Is Right For You: Tips From a Psychiatrist
Do you feel overwhelmed by the news, blogs, and commercials offering medical advice? Your personal physician is your best source for exploring what treatment options can work best for you. In this article, discover tips for easing the health care process and forming a partnership with your doctor.
My Child Is Bipolar: Now What?
Children around the globe are being diagnosed with mood disorders like Bipolar disorder. They are constantly dealing with a multitude of hardships, due to both debilitating symptoms and societal expectations. While experiencing symptoms that resemble that of a hormonal imbalance, these children often experience academic and behavioral problems in school and at home, leading to a reduced quality of life. Severe symptoms often interfere with relationships with siblings, parents, other family members, and friends.
Understanding ADHD and Its Causes - Essential Requirements For Parents
Understanding ADHD and its causes is an essential part of addressing symptoms in children and in achieving a reduction in symptoms. Parents should give attention to lifestyle and developing positive coping tools for their child, some of which might involve the whole family.
Bipolar Perception And Its Impact On Relationships
The importance of understanding a Bipolar person's perception cannot be understated for those that want to help or love them. This article aims to explain how a Bipolar thought process works, how to adapt to it, and how to not let them destroy the relationships or friendship.
The Linden Method Review for Anxiety and Depression Disorders and Attacks
The Linden Method Review discusses the course effectiveness in dealing with panic & depression disorders and attacks so buyers can make an informed decision. The Linden method was developed by a man named Charles Linden. He had dealt with anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder since childhood. After trying traditional treatments with no success he decided to develop his own system.
Depression Vs Sadness
Depression is a mental condition that is characterized by a number of factors. Many people think that they are depressed or experiencing a major depressive episode when they are experiencing the common emotion of sadness. While people who are suffering from depression can experience sadness, being sad does not constitute depression.
Food and You - How to Boost Your Mood With Food
Food does not only affect the way we feel on the outside it also affects how we feel on the inside. There are certain foods that promote emotional wellness.
Suicide Warning Signs: When Someone You Love Wants To End It All
Are you listening? Eight out of ten people who kill themselves have usually given clear signs that they were considering suicide. While these signs can appear in almost anyone at some point in their life, it's important to be aware of them and to take them seriously if they are showing up in the people you care about, work with, or share with in any way...
How to Control Panic Attacks With Aromatherapy
There are many theories on how to control panic attacks. One common problem in coming up with a simple solution is not knowing the root cause of an episode. The triggers that put someone in such an intense state of fear and stress are sometimes way beyond the person experiencing the situation to figure out.
Reclaim Your Life With Stopflo Endometrial Ablation And Other Procedures For Women
Go swimming. Run a marathon. Accompany your kid to her field trip.
Facts And Truths About a Panic Attack
A panic attack is a sudden grip of terror and fear that seems to occur out of nowhere. It consists of intense fear of something bad happening, losing control, feeling like going crazy and a feeling of discomfort. It is characterized by various symptoms which include trembling, fear of dying, racing heart, dizziness, nausea, chest pains and at times numbness. This condition affects a significant number of people. However, most people do not have enough information about it. Below are the various facts and truths about panic attack.
The Paleo Diet Rocks!
For decades I have always believed that cavemen had the best diet as refined carbs such as bread, rice and pasta were not around at that time and therefore they were able to eat a lot more healthily and as nature intended. I had no idea that anybody else agreed with my belief, let alone that there was actually a name for such a diet (what with being brought up in a Nigerian household in South London, with such foods as rice and yam being part of the staple diet. My dear mother would often take offence...

Bipolar Disorder is a psychiatric illness where the individual suffers from a manic state and/or depressive state. If you or your loved one has Bipolar Disorder, there are important steps you should know to help prevent future episodes of relapse.
How to Ease Anxiety During Pregnancy
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Life Skills and Trauma Stressors
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