samedi 27 juillet 2013

Health and Fitness: Mood Disorders Article Category

Health and Fitness: Mood Disorders Article Category

Ask Your Doctor If This Medicine Is Right For You: Tips From a Psychiatrist
Do you feel overwhelmed by the news, blogs, and commercials offering medical advice? Your personal physician is your best source for exploring what treatment options can work best for you. In this article, discover tips for easing the health care process and forming a partnership with your doctor.
My Child Is Bipolar: Now What?
Children around the globe are being diagnosed with mood disorders like Bipolar disorder. They are constantly dealing with a multitude of hardships, due to both debilitating symptoms and societal expectations. While experiencing symptoms that resemble that of a hormonal imbalance, these children often experience academic and behavioral problems in school and at home, leading to a reduced quality of life. Severe symptoms often interfere with relationships with siblings, parents, other family members, and friends.
Understanding ADHD and Its Causes - Essential Requirements For Parents
Understanding ADHD and its causes is an essential part of addressing symptoms in children and in achieving a reduction in symptoms. Parents should give attention to lifestyle and developing positive coping tools for their child, some of which might involve the whole family.
Bipolar Perception And Its Impact On Relationships
The importance of understanding a Bipolar person's perception cannot be understated for those that want to help or love them. This article aims to explain how a Bipolar thought process works, how to adapt to it, and how to not let them destroy the relationships or friendship.
The Linden Method Review for Anxiety and Depression Disorders and Attacks
The Linden Method Review discusses the course effectiveness in dealing with panic & depression disorders and attacks so buyers can make an informed decision. The Linden method was developed by a man named Charles Linden. He had dealt with anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder since childhood. After trying traditional treatments with no success he decided to develop his own system.
Depression Vs Sadness
Depression is a mental condition that is characterized by a number of factors. Many people think that they are depressed or experiencing a major depressive episode when they are experiencing the common emotion of sadness. While people who are suffering from depression can experience sadness, being sad does not constitute depression.
Food and You - How to Boost Your Mood With Food
Food does not only affect the way we feel on the outside it also affects how we feel on the inside. There are certain foods that promote emotional wellness.
Suicide Warning Signs: When Someone You Love Wants To End It All
Are you listening? Eight out of ten people who kill themselves have usually given clear signs that they were considering suicide. While these signs can appear in almost anyone at some point in their life, it's important to be aware of them and to take them seriously if they are showing up in the people you care about, work with, or share with in any way...
How to Control Panic Attacks With Aromatherapy
There are many theories on how to control panic attacks. One common problem in coming up with a simple solution is not knowing the root cause of an episode. The triggers that put someone in such an intense state of fear and stress are sometimes way beyond the person experiencing the situation to figure out.
Reclaim Your Life With Stopflo Endometrial Ablation And Other Procedures For Women
Go swimming. Run a marathon. Accompany your kid to her field trip.
Facts And Truths About a Panic Attack
A panic attack is a sudden grip of terror and fear that seems to occur out of nowhere. It consists of intense fear of something bad happening, losing control, feeling like going crazy and a feeling of discomfort. It is characterized by various symptoms which include trembling, fear of dying, racing heart, dizziness, nausea, chest pains and at times numbness. This condition affects a significant number of people. However, most people do not have enough information about it. Below are the various facts and truths about panic attack.
The Paleo Diet Rocks!
For decades I have always believed that cavemen had the best diet as refined carbs such as bread, rice and pasta were not around at that time and therefore they were able to eat a lot more healthily and as nature intended. I had no idea that anybody else agreed with my belief, let alone that there was actually a name for such a diet (what with being brought up in a Nigerian household in South London, with such foods as rice and yam being part of the staple diet. My dear mother would often take offence...

Bipolar Disorder is a psychiatric illness where the individual suffers from a manic state and/or depressive state. If you or your loved one has Bipolar Disorder, there are important steps you should know to help prevent future episodes of relapse.
How to Ease Anxiety During Pregnancy
Anxiety and pregnancy tend to go hand in hand these days. Our lifestyles and expectations just add to the already overwhelming changes that are occurring physically and emotionally on a daily basis. Learn how to ease the pressures so that anxiety can be reduced. It's important to not allow anxiety ruin what should be a beautiful experience. The article below will supply what you need to be able to do this. Read on...
Life Skills and Trauma Stressors
Understanding the stressors from trauma that can affect life skills. Supporting the brave life of a survivor thriving and meeting the stresses of a past trauma.

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